An Annapolis Primary Care Saves Patient $3,000 in Healthcare Costs in 3 Months

An Annapolis Primary Care, Evolve Direct Primary Care, received an email from a patient stating, “Evolve saved me $3,000 healthcare costs in just 3 months.” Evolve states, “We would like to share it with those that are curious as to how Direct Primary Care can save patients a lot of money, time and hassle.

“In January 2015, I signed on as a member at $35 per month. I was seen that day for only $25. As it turns out, I had been told I needed an MRI of my abdomen because there was an area that the Radiologist wasn’t sure of. I was told the MRI would be $1,000 and since my deductible is $3,000, it meant I’d have to pay the whole thing. At that first visit, I saw Amy Ricker who reviewed my ultrasound and then discussed my case with Dr. Freedman who then called the Radiologist. In the end, they agreed it wasn’t necessary–just a follow up ultrasound at 3 months.

Then in March I needed refills of my 4 medications. The prescriptions were called in to CVS but when I went to pick them up, CVS told me it was over $2,000. What?! Apparently my insurance had changed–but so ridiculous. Then I remembered the Evolve App had a section on saving money on prescriptions. I clicked on that and literally in under 2 minutes, I found all 4 at Walmart and had an electronic discount card that allowed me to get them for just over $200 (90 day supply no less!) I texted Evolve and asked them to transfer my prescriptions to Walmart and less than 3 minutes later I got a text back saying, ‘Done!’

Then, in the first week of April I had had a sinus infection for over a week. I used the App again, this time to schedule a virtual appointment. My 3 year old was home sick and I really didn’t want to drag him to a doctors office so the virtual visit worked out perfectly. It was essentially a house call for $25! My husband picked up the prescription on the way home and done 🙂

From what I can see, the medical system is broken. I just feel very blessed and fortunate to have someone now that is there for me, available and will actually advocate for me and help make sure I don’t get unnecessary tests or treatments. Thank you Evolve!” –J.W., Annapolis, MD (April 9, 2015)

To learn more about how Evolve Medical works, click on their home page here.


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Evolve Medical provides a vastly superior service with superior providers.

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